Build and Debug Tips


  1. MSVC
  2. Xcode


  • Debugging msvc-built command-line ASL test apps from the command line:
    1. To keep bjam from destroying test executables build with bjam –preserve-test-targets
    2. For adam_smoke under cygwin: “C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio 8/Common7/IDE/devenv.exe” /DebugExe bin/adobe/test/adam_smoke/adam_smoke_test.test/msvc-8.0/debug/asl-dev/link-static/threading-multi/adam_smoke_test.exe ./adobe/test/adam_smoke/rtd
    3. F10 (to stop on first line of main), or F5 to let it rip
  • Towards natural display of any_regular and poly<> in msvc and xcode debuggers.
    • C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\Common7\Packages\Debugger\autoexp.dat can be extended, but not sure how useful it is. Perhaps would be more useful for some common types.
    • Xcode has Debug > Variables View > Edit Summary Format and ~/Library/Application Support/Apple/Developer Tools/CustomDataViews/CustomDataViews.plist , but I haven’t explored it much either.


  • Xcode uses summary expressions to display information about a variable during the debug process. These summary expressions can be entered in at the time you are debugging a variable. For example, to get the type of a value held by an adobe::any_regular_t, put this into the summary expression:
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