List/Tree Widget

(For the time being the focus will be on lists, not heirarchical trees.)

The tricky part of a list controller/view is that you have a controller/view on a sequence. You need to figure out:

  1. How to communicate requests for changes to the sequence
  2. What those requests are
  3. How to communicate a change in the visible portion of the sequence to the view

We assume the sequences in a list are disjoint.


  1. Related Docs
  2. API
    1. Model
      1. Notes on the Sequence Model
    2. View
    3. Controller

Win32 Tree View Control Documentation

Win32 List View Control Documentation

Carbon Tree Control API Documentation (Data Browser)


This API set will be updated piecemeal as I am able to further the implementation

Assume for the time being that the model_type is a simple string for now…


  template <typename T>
  class sequence_model
      sequence_model(std::size_t count = 0);

      typedef T                                          value_type;
      typedef dirty_value<T>                             dirty_type;
      typedef std::vector<dirty_type>                    model_type;
      typedef typename model_type::iterator              iterator;
      typedef typename model_type::const_iterator        const_iterator;
      typedef boost::signals::connection                 connection_type;
      typedef typename model_type::size_type             size_type;
      typedef boost::function<void (iterator, iterator)> inplace_operation_proc_t;

      typedef boost::function<void (size_type pos, const T* first, const T* last)> monitor_insert_proc_t;
      typedef boost::function<void (size_type index, const T& value)>              monitor_set_proc_t;

      static const size_type npos;

npos is used as an out-of-bounds index, much like std::string::npos.

      const_iterator begin() const;
      const_iterator end() const;

These are const because the sequence is not modifiable via iterators outside of an inplace operation.

      size_type size() const;
      size_type max_size() const;

      bool empty() const;

      const T& at(size_type n) const;
      const T& operator[](size_type n);

These are const because the sequence is not modifiable via iterators outside of an inplace operation.

      void push_back(const value_type& x);

      void set(size_type pos, const value_type& x);

Allows the setting of a single position’s value.

      template <typename I>
      void insert(size_type pos, I first, I last);

Allows the insertion of a range of values.

      void inplace_operation(const inplace_operation_proc_t& proc,
                             size_type                       pos = 0,
                             size_type                       n = sequence_model::npos);

given an index, a count, and an inplace operation, this function will allow for a mutable transaction to take place within the sequence. The inplace_operation_proc is given mutable iterators based on the requested position and count variables. When the operation completes, the sequence_model will iterate over the range and check to see which values (if any) changed, and make proper notification of these changes to the attached views.

      connection_type monitor_insert(const monitor_insert_proc_t& proc);
      connection_type monitor_set(const monitor_set_proc_t& proc);

Allows for clients to register one or more views into the sequence model.


Notes on the Sequence Model

dirty_type is an implementation-defined method of discovering what values have changed due to an inplace operation; the client of the sequence_model need not be concerned with it.


  struct list_view_t
    typedef model_type::value_type value_type;
    typedef model_type::size_type  size_type;

    void set(size_type index, const value_type& value);

    void insert(size_type pos, const value_type* first, const value_type* last);


  struct list_controller_t
    typedef model_type::inplace_operation_proc_t inplace_operation_proc_t;
    typedef boost::function<void (size_type, const value_type&)> monitor_set_callback_t;
    typedef boost::function<void (size_type, const value_type*, const value_type*)> monitor_insert_callback_t;
    typedef boost::function<void (const inplace_operation_proc_t& proc, size_type, size_type)> monitor_inplace_operation_callback_t;

    void enable(bool make_enabled);

    void monitor_set(const monitor_set_callback_t& how);

    void monitor_insert(const monitor_insert_callback_t& how);

    void monitor_inplace_operation(const monitor_inplace_operation_callback_t& how);
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