

  1. Stepanov Abstraction with MSVC
  2. MSVC 2008
    1. Accumulate
    2. Insertion Sort
    3. Quicksort
    4. Heap Sort
      1. Conclusions for MSVC 2008:
  3. MSVC 2005 Comparison
    1. Accumulate MSVC2005
    2. Insertion Sort MSVC2005
    3. Quicksort MSVC2005
    4. Heap Sort MSVC2005
      1. Conclusions for MSVC 2008 compared with MSVC 2005:

Stepanov Abstraction with MSVC

Now we’ll examine the results from stepanov_abstraction.cpp compiled with Microsoft Visual C++ (MSVC) 2008 and 2005.

And to be specific:

Intel Core2 QuadCore 2.66Ghz
Windows Vista 64 bit Ultimate

MSVC 2008:
Microsoft (R) 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 15.00.21022.08 for 80x86

MSVC 2005:
Microsoft (R) 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 14.00.50727.762 for 80x86
cl /nologo /Ox /TP /EHsc /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /Wp64 stepanov_abstraction.cpp -o stepanov_abstraction.exe
.\stepanov_abstraction > stepanov_abstraction_msvc2008.txt

MSVC 2008


test                        description   absolute   operations   ratio with
number                                    time       per second   test0

 0                     "double pointer"   4.60 sec   869.19 M     1.00
 1               "double pointer_class"   4.59 sec   872.22 M     1.00
 2         "DoubleValueWrapper pointer"   4.54 sec   881.06 M     0.99
 3   "DoubleValueWrapper pointer_class"   4.55 sec   878.16 M     0.99
 4       "DoubleValueWrapper10 pointer"   4.57 sec   875.08 M     0.99
 5 "DoubleValueWrapper10 pointer_class"   4.54 sec   881.25 M     0.99

This is good. The compiler had no significant penalty for increasing the data or pointer abstractions in the accumulation loops.

Insertion Sort

test                                       description   absolute   operations   ratio with
number                                                   time       per second   test0

 0                     "insertion_sort double pointer"   0.86 sec    2.33 M     1.00
 1               "insertion_sort double pointer_class"   1.19 sec    1.69 M     1.38
 2         "insertion_sort DoubleValueWrapper pointer"   1.19 sec    1.69 M     1.38
 3   "insertion_sort DoubleValueWrapper pointer_class"   1.56 sec    1.28 M     1.82
 4       "insertion_sort DoubleValueWrapper10 pointer"   1.17 sec    1.71 M     1.36
 5 "insertion_sort DoubleValueWrapper10 pointer_class"   1.56 sec    1.28 M     1.82

This isn’t so good – all of the times should have been the same and the ratios close to 1.0. Increasing the abstraction on the value and the pointer both appear to cause slowdowns.


test                                  description   absolute   operations   ratio with
number                                              time       per second   test0

 0                     "quicksort double pointer"   1.22 sec   13.15 M     1.00
 1               "quicksort double pointer_class"   1.34 sec   11.92 M     1.10
 2         "quicksort DoubleValueWrapper pointer"   1.51 sec   10.58 M     1.24
 3   "quicksort DoubleValueWrapper pointer_class"   1.61 sec    9.96 M     1.32
 4       "quicksort DoubleValueWrapper10 pointer"   1.51 sec   10.58 M     1.24
 5 "quicksort DoubleValueWrapper10 pointer_class"   1.61 sec    9.96 M     1.32

Again, we have some slowdowns when increasing abstraction, but not as much as we saw in the insertion sort. That is partly due to the different complexities of the algorithms being tested: Insertion sort is O(N^2) and Quicksort is O(NLogN). Also, the 3 sort algorithms in this test file use pointers, values, indexing and incrementing very differently.

Heap Sort

test                                  description   absolute   operations   ratio with
number                                              time       per second   test0

 0                     "heap_sort double pointer"   1.36 sec   11.79 M     1.00
 1               "heap_sort double pointer_class"   1.42 sec   11.27 M     1.05
 2         "heap_sort DoubleValueWrapper pointer"   1.37 sec   11.66 M     1.01
 3   "heap_sort DoubleValueWrapper pointer_class"   1.51 sec   10.57 M     1.12
 4       "heap_sort DoubleValueWrapper10 pointer"   1.39 sec   11.53 M     1.02
 5 "heap_sort DoubleValueWrapper10 pointer_class"   1.72 sec    9.32 M     1.26

And we still have slowdowns with increasing abstraction.

Conclusions for MSVC 2008:

  • MSVC 2008 could improve code generation related to C++ abstraction.

MSVC 2005 Comparison

Accumulate MSVC2005

test                        description   absolute   operations   ratio with
number                                    time       per second   test0

 0                     "double pointer"   4.55 sec   878.16 M     1.00
 1               "double pointer_class"   4.55 sec   878.16 M     1.00
 2         "DoubleValueWrapper pointer"   4.54 sec   881.06 M     1.00
 3   "DoubleValueWrapper pointer_class"   4.55 sec   878.16 M     1.00
 4       "DoubleValueWrapper10 pointer"   4.55 sec   878.16 M     1.00
 5 "DoubleValueWrapper10 pointer_class"   4.54 sec   881.06 M     1.00

Good - very similar times, and no problems with increased abstraction.

Insertion Sort MSVC2005

test                                       description   absolute   operations   ratio with
number                                                   time       per second   test0

 0                     "insertion_sort double pointer"   1.19 sec    1.69 M     1.00
 1               "insertion_sort double pointer_class"   1.17 sec    1.71 M     0.99
 2         "insertion_sort DoubleValueWrapper pointer"   1.19 sec    1.69 M     1.00
 3   "insertion_sort DoubleValueWrapper pointer_class"   1.19 sec    1.69 M     1.00
 4       "insertion_sort DoubleValueWrapper10 pointer"   1.19 sec    1.69 M     1.00
 5 "insertion_sort DoubleValueWrapper10 pointer_class"   1.19 sec    1.69 M     1.00

MSVC 2008 produces faster code in one case, but significantly slower code in 2 cases. And MSVC 2005 doesn’t have any penalty for increased abstraction – all the times are close to the same.

Quicksort MSVC2005

test                                  description   absolute   operations   ratio with
number                                              time       per second   test0

 0                     "quicksort double pointer"   1.22 sec   13.16 M     1.00
 1               "quicksort double pointer_class"   1.23 sec   12.98 M     1.01
 2         "quicksort DoubleValueWrapper pointer"   1.54 sec   10.36 M     1.27
 3   "quicksort DoubleValueWrapper pointer_class"   1.54 sec   10.36 M     1.27
 4       "quicksort DoubleValueWrapper10 pointer"   1.56 sec   10.26 M     1.28
 5 "quicksort DoubleValueWrapper10 pointer_class"   1.54 sec   10.36 M     1.27

This is close to the same as MSVC 2008, but faster in each case involving the pointer class. There is still some penalty for using the value abstractions.

Heap Sort MSVC2005

test                                  description   absolute   operations   ratio with
number                                              time       per second   test0

 0                     "heap_sort double pointer"   1.36 sec   11.79 M     1.00
 1               "heap_sort double pointer_class"   1.37 sec   11.65 M     1.01
 2         "heap_sort DoubleValueWrapper pointer"   1.37 sec   11.65 M     1.01
 3   "heap_sort DoubleValueWrapper pointer_class"   1.37 sec   11.65 M     1.01
 4       "heap_sort DoubleValueWrapper10 pointer"   1.40 sec   11.40 M     1.03
 5 "heap_sort DoubleValueWrapper10 pointer_class"   1.37 sec   11.66 M     1.01

This is much better than MSVC 2008, faster on 3 tests, and showing little penalty for increased abstraction.

Conclusions for MSVC 2008 compared with MSVC 2005:

  • MSVC 2008 produced faster code then MSVC 2005 in one test.
  • MSVC 2008 produced slower code than MSVC 2005 in 8 tests.
  • MSVC 2008 has increased abstraction penalties in the insertion sort and heap sort tests.
  • MSVC 2008 seems to have the most problems in code involving pointer_class.
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